Marcel Duchamp

Fountain by Marcel Duchamp is a porcelain urinal submitted for the exhibition of the Society of Independent Artists, at The Grand Central Palace, NY, 1917. At first it was rejected but the rules said all artists could submit work as long as they paid the fee. He reoriented it 90 degrees from its original stance and wrote “R.Mutt 1917” (Richard Mutt). Duchamp was a board member of the Society of Independent Artists which the rest of them did not know he submitted this work and did not know whether to class it as art or not and was hidden from the show to then which he resigned as a state of protest.

Fountain, 1917

Fountain is within a group of objects called ‘Readymades’ by Marcel, he challenged the press by saying he created a new thought for that object and that the art should come from his idea as an artist. I don’t really think this work is ‘Art’ because it’s just a urinal with a signature and just bought it from a shop with no effort put into it.

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